
Corona tools & the church, is this a wakeup call during Covid-19

2020 Pandemic

Asheville, North Carolina

Church Seer Chuck Fisher, Royal Ranger of the year, Silver and Gold Buffalo, Gold Metal Metal of achiever has words of encouragement for local churches across the world,  and specially in the United  States. Several weeks back, Chuck published an article Man finds wisdom in Garden Shed During Covid-19 and as time has passed by,  with phases of lock downs being lifted and many going back to square one because of Coronavirus known as Covid-19. The message to the church is clear, he says and with years of anguish with his own personal walk , he knows his opportunity to cultivate is here and with many churches unable to meet as before and some with no end in sight, Chuck is encouraged to update spiritually what he sees and a life changing message for the church in a time of unknowns. The message is clear,

“We Need to Get back to real discipleship and fellowship among are brothers and sisters.”

It is of the upmost importance for local churches to embrace the opportunity to dive into the ministry and reformat what lacked focus, it could be a life or death choice, meaning, doors closing. Everything is being shaken and financially, some are already at the point of not being able to pay staff and mortgage payments, Chuck has some answers and knows its time to peel back and get to Gods basics. Chuck is pretty vocal on how  Discipleship has been lost with so many and replaced with modern day music and 2 hour visits and caused the “church sphere’ to become lazy and to comfortable.

Chuck says, we’ve lost focus and dedication to each other and it’s been replaced with modern conveniences that are not available during everyday people struggles and problems, he goes on to say that the witness and promise is lost and to some, it can feel like taking a number only to find out, your number is never called. Chuck expressed the importance of a Christ centered church and the importance of accountability to each other, Chuck says most church infrastructures  and the hierarchy of leadership is based on the respecter of persons and that can make discipleship far from what God intended on a everyday bases, Chuck states, folks looking for God to impact there lives can be caught by signage that states God’s House and only to find, service times and in many cases, no one answers the phone. he goes on to say, WE CAN DO BETTER REPRESENTING THE KING!

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 

Matthew 28:19-20

Chuck states, many have lost their way, because of the lack of assistance and requirements to serve and he goes on to say, that everyday people have something to offer and everyone should have a place at the table, Chuck ran across this whole tool line called Corona and he will admit, he was taken back by the name, the tool brand offers a wide line of lawn and gardening tools,—from pruners, shears and loppers to saws, shovels and rakes. Chuck said, that the church should be using this opportunity to replant God’s gardens (Local Church) because of the upcoming harvest, he’s pretty hot on the subject and he is excited to play his part and help, build and encourage others for the kingdom.

Chuck is no stranger to fundraising, reorganization and the necessities needed to support local churches, he said he has acquired quite the arsenal to support Pastors and leaders interested in Top Shelf discipleship and whats needed to be in the 24/7 response position using little resources, Chuck owns and operates Rank My Media LLC based in Buncombe County, North Carolina and has many projects in production, including a 24 hour disciple Directory on

You can also connect with  Chuck By Visiting Servant to Many on Facebook



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